Saturday, January 24, 2015

Letter from Ukraine: Victory will be Ours!
A couple of days ago I received the latest email from my soldier friend in Lviv. He began his military training in the “old” days and ultimately served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He is a retired airborne officer with the rank of major. His letters have been filled with patriotic observations and hope as well as condemnations of Ukraine’s enemies – domestic and foreign. In the subject line of his email he wrote: “Victory will be ours!”

He wrote, according to my translation:
Today we were at the Lviv military hospital, visited my graduate “Cyborg” (Ukrainian troops defending the Donetsk airport were called cyborgs by the Russians) as well as our and other soldiers, it’s a miracle. What an indomitable spirit and a will to be victorious; though they seem so young, they’re already toughened and scorched by war.
Побували сьогодні у Львівському військовому шпиталі, провідували свого випускника “КІБОРГА”, наш та й інші воїни, просто чудо. Настільки незламний дух та воля до перемоги, хоча, здавалось такі молоді, та вже такі загартовані та обпалені війною.

In the 11 months of the Russo-Ukraine War of 2014, Ukrainians serving in the volunteer brigades, the National Guard and the regular Armed Forces have shown boundless determination in their unequal fight to save sovereign Ukraine from the ravages of invading Russian soldiers and mercenaries – all terrorists. Earlier this month Russians destroyed a commuter bus, killing a dozen civilians, and overnight they shelled buildings, schools and daycare centers in Mariupol, killing dozens. Both attacks launched hashtags #IamVolnovakha and #IamMariupol.

For me, nothing good shines for “rashtsi” (a contemporary combination of Russians and Nazis) with their demonic fuehrer Putler.
If only our national and military leaders stopped stealing and at long last initiated real reforms primarily in judicial and law enforcement systems, then our situation would develop faster.
And so, things are heading toward a very terrifying third Maidan.
Як на мене, нічого доброго не світить “рашці” разом з їх біснуватим “фюреромм путлером”.
Ще би наші керівники держави та Армії перестали красти, та почали б вже накінець реальні реформи в першу чергу судової та правоохоронної систем та справа пішла би швидше.
А так все іде до третього дуже грізного МАЙДАНУ.

Expectations about a third Maidan have been circling in several quarters in Ukraine since the election of Petro Poroshenko and formation of the new Verkhovna Rada. Ironically, the cause of the next Maidan will not be exclusively Russia and its henchmen in Ukraine but the current pro-Ukraine government. Ukrainians’ patience has worn thin with its leadership. President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatseniuk have been criticized for not instituting comprehensive reforms fast enough, arresting pro-Yanukovych crooks who plundered Ukraine and escaped, and other transgressions.
Recent history of Ukraine has shown that it is sadly plagued with corruption, graft and other vices. Shortly after Ukraine declared its independence, Yuriy Shukhevych, the son of Roman Shukhevych-Taras Chuprynka, commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), visiting the USA, commented on this national affliction by comparing the government, parliament and national institutions to a trough. “The trough remains the same but only the pigs have changed,” said Shukhevych, who had spent 30 years in a Soviet Russian prison for being the unrepentant son of his father.
Such a sorry state exists today across the nation, from the summit of national leadership to the village square. Ukrainians cannot expect their country to evolve if their leaders don’t forsake graft but also if they don’t cease their petty thievery and bribery.

Well, we are hoping for the best and preparing for the worst because the damn Russians have considerably strengthened and increased their military formations in eastern Ukraine and along the border and Crimea. What they have in mind does not require a great deal of guessing, but they will definitely take one on the jaw.
Glory to Ukraine!
Ну а ми надіємось на краще, та готуємось до гіршого бо кляті москалі значно посилили та збільшили свої військові угруповання на сході України та вздовш кордону та Криму . Що в них на думці гадати особливо і не потрібно, но по зубах отримають однозначно.

My friend’s descriptions and prognoses of Russia’s war versus Ukraine are not reassuring. But the nation can take solace in the resolve of its soldiers to fight the good fight against Russian aggression.
In the wake of the murderous Russian bombardment of civilian locations in Mariupol, enlistment numbers in the Ukrainian army increased. And there have been numerous accounts of Ukrainian officers and soldiers who, as the saying goes, took one for their comrades. This week I read of a military funeral for an officer who threw himself on a grenade to save his soldiers.
Russia’s war with Ukraine is escalating with the mobilization of regular Russian troops and mercenaries in Ukraine and on its border. The free world sees what is happening but is apparently paralyzed by its uncanny fear of Russia and Putin. Russia’s war with Ukraine is fueled by the Kremlin’s vast military-industrial complex while Ukraine is left to fend for itself and defend Europe with its army and blood.
Bravery, heroism and uncommon valor will inspire the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the nation at this crucial time in Ukraine’s history. But that’s only part of what Ukraine needs to subdue Russia and force it to withdraw from Ukraine.
For victory to be truly Ukraine’s, as my friend wrote, Ukraine also needs so-called lethal military aid from the United States and NATO. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) issued such a timely demand on January 22, in which he said: “It is time for the President to demonstrate America’s own spirit of resolve by providing Ukraine the lethal military assistance it needs to defend itself. Failing to do so would be an unmistakable sign of weakness not only to Putin, but to potential aggressors around the world.”

Finally, the Ukrainian nation needs leaders who are not only pro-Ukrainian but also law-abiding, honorable, trustworthy and selfless. If the nation is ready to die in battle against Russian invaders, then its leaders should be worthy of its sacrifice. 

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