Friday, February 24, 2023

UNGA: Russia, Leave Ukraine!
The United Nations by a vote of 141 of the 193 member-states voiced its support of a nonbinding, though largely symbolic resolution that demanded that russian invaders cease hostilities and immediately withdraw from Ukraine.
The United Nations General Assembly yesterday, February 23, reiterated “its demand that the Russian Federation immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, and calls for a cessation of hostilities.”
Furthermore, the assembly reaffirmed “its commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, extending to its territorial waters.”
While the resolution is nonbinding, meaning there is no enforcement behind it, it is a significant expression of the global body’s sense of disapproval of #moscow’s brutal aggression against Ukraine that began in earnest 12 months ago today. However, a 73 percent sign of support tells international community that UN member-states loudly oppose russia’s criminal, bloody belligerence.
This is not the first time that the UNGA endorsed such an anti-russian resolution. In the recent past it denounced russia for invading and illegally seizing Crimea in a wholly fabricated referendum.
Citing the principles of the UN Charter as the premise for their resolution, the member-states called on all countries of the world and specifically in this case russia to “refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations, and to settle their international disputes by peaceful means.” 
The assembly also reaffirmed that “no territorial acquisition resulting from the threat or use of force shall be recognized as legal,” which includes temporarily occupied Crimea.
The assembly said it deplores the “dire human rights and humanitarian consequences of the aggression” by russia against Ukraine, including the continuous attacks against critical infrastructure across Ukraine “with devastating consequences for civilians, and expressing grave concern at the high number of civilian casualties, including women and children, the number of internally displaced persons and refugees in need of humanitarian assistance, and violations and abuses committed against children.” 
As a result if its inhuman brutality, russia is regarded as a war criminal and perpetrator of crimes against humanity, the highest level of global illegality.
The UNGA called for the “complete exchange of prisoners of war, the release of all unlawfully detained persons and the return of all internees and of civilians forcibly transferred and deported, including children,” of which the numbers are in excess of 6,000.
The member-states also demanded an “immediate cessation of the attacks on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine and any deliberate attacks on civilian objects, including those that are residences, schools and hospitals.”
The necessary condemnations of russia’s illegal and bloody actions against Ukraine have again been presented for all to see. What remains to do is what the free world did in 1939 against Nazi Germany and Hitler.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

One Year of the War that russians Began in 1069

February 24, 2022, is a day that will live in infamy. It is a day, when the bloody cutthroats from the land known as russia yet again invaded Ukraine, extending the war that began in 2014 with russia’s illegal, armed seizure of Crimea and eastern Ukrainian oblasts, and prolonging moscow’s odious imperial mission to invade, defeat, occupy and destroy Ukrainians and their Ukrainian lands that commenced in 1069. A thousand-year war – a thousand-year anything – is a difficult concept for society to wrap its arms around, but that has been Ukrainians’ reality. As President Biden declared the other day, russia’s goal is to wipe Ukraine off the map – a most monstrous objective of the most vile, demented dictators.

Peace, serenity and security – natural expectations of people anywhere – for Ukrainians were shattered in the early morning hours of that day, when russian missiles hit civilian targets, shedding innocent blood, followed by an invasion of tanks, armor and uniformed criminals and cutthroats.

February 24, 2022, is also a day that will live in glory as a testament to the Ukrainian nation’s bravery, love of homeland, patriotism and commitment in defending and preserving their country’s freedom, independence and sovereignty. Time and again Ukrainians have been called upon to heroically defend their people, culture and country, and time and again they have done so valiantly.

Despite prevailing beliefs about the might of the so-called second strongest army in the world, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, by the grace of God and their nationalistic passion, proved the foolhardy analysts wrong. Ukrainian soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors have stopped russia’s advances and even turned them back. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have become feared by russian cutthroats, inflicting more than 140,000 deaths in battle among russians. But unfortunately, to show their fearlessness, russian killers turned their attention to killing innocent, unarmed men, women and children, raping girls and women, and destroying homes, infrastructure and cultural icons. Its failed mission has been to kill every Ukrainian and all vestiges of Ukrainian culture, to erase all evidence of Ukrainians. But despite his obvious losses and failures, putin is coldheartedly sending more and more russians to Ukraine only to have the fortunate ones return to russia in body bags as many others remain in Ukraine as manure for the vast sunflower fields.

Russia’s inhuman viciousness has not gone unnoticed. The international community, in addition to providing Ukrainians with substantial amounts of needed modern weapons and other technology, has recognized russia’s brutality and labeled it a war criminal and perpetrator of crimes against humanity. In the words of many, Ukraine is not only showing its triumphant battlefield prowess but it is also defeating moscow in the court of public opinion. Every Ukrainian blue and yellow flag in the windows of homes in New York City, Toronto, London, Paris and other towns is proof of that.

The United States of America and other free world countries are committed to supporting Ukraine in its historic existential war for freedom and independence until the victorious end. President Biden said in Kyiv and Warsaw that the United States will never abandon Ukraine and it will never be a victory for russia.

And victory is within grasp of the Ukrainian nation. Led by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukrainians captured the imagination and support of peoples and leaders around the world for the sanctified goal of defeating russia. This singular mission has united the nation, government and military.

February 24, 2022, is also a day when finally the international community has understood that not provoking russia does not guarantee global peace and security but rather defeating and dismembering that diabolical mixture of inhuman manure from many regions of Asia and Europe that calls itself russia will bring peace, security and stability. 

As we stand on the threshold of the second year of this latest violent iteration of russian imperialism and belligerence, there are lessons to be learned and tasks to be undertaken by all:

1. None of this would have occurred if the post-World War Two leaders would have heeded the warnings of Stepan Bandera, leader of the Organization of Ukrainians Nationalists, and other revolutionary leaders of the captive nations not to admit russia into the fold of peaceful democracies but rather to defeat, destroy and isolate russia for the sake of humanity.

2. We, the diaspora, in concert with other former captive nations should continue pressuring Washington, DC, to safeguard Ukraine and other Eastern European countries with all necessary military and non-military means until russia is defeated, until it surrenders, until it is dismembered into insignificant ethnic territories.

3. It is the mission and goal of all Ukrainians to ensure that russia will never be accepted as an equal partner in the brotherhood of democratic countries but that it will be reviled and detested more than Nazis and Hitler until the end of time.

4. Ukraine must be accepted as a full-fledged member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for the sake of peace, security and stability. President Biden pointed out the crucial nature of the eastern flank of NATO and Ukraine’s membership will certainly reinforce its impact and political potency.

On this day, Ukrainians and others will bow their heads in silent reflection before the Altar of Heroes – for the military service men and women, civilians and children – who made the ultimate sacrifice at the hands of russians for their fellow Ukrainians and their native country; they will salute the brave Armed Forces of Ukraine for their victories in battle against the murderous russian aggressors; and they will thank all nations and peoples of good will for their support for Ukraine.

By the grace of God and the bravery and dedication of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrainians will prevail, defeat the russian murderers, stabilize again their independence, statehood and sovereignty, and ensure that the world will not commemorate the second anniversary of this war.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Relaunching the Idea of an Anti-russian Bloc of x-Captive Nations

As ludicrous as it sounds, russia’s war against Ukraine not only united the nation, government and military into a powerful force in defense of Ukrainian independence and sovereignty, it is also sowing the seeds for an updated alliance or bloc of x-captive nations against russian aggression.

The last time this type of alliance was called into existence was during the Second World War.

The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations was created as a coordinating center for the liberation of captive nations of the soviet russian empire. The ABN attributed its existence and its ideological foundations to an underground conference of representatives of non-russian peoples that took place on November 21-22, 1943, near Zhytomyr, Ukraine, on the initiative of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, and at which a platform of a joint revolutionary struggle against russian communism was formulated. The goal of the ABN was the dismemberment of the soviet union into national states – in other words, the de-colonization of the USSR.

Among the participating nations for varying periods of time have been Ukrainians, Armenians, Bulgarians, Byelorussians, Cossack, Croatians, Czechs, Estonians, Georgians, Hungarians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Slovaks, Turkestanians, Vietnamese and Cubans. Others such as Poles were regarded as kindred spirits.

Headed by Yaroslav Stetsko until his death in 1986, the ABN’s motto was “Freedom for nations; Freedom for individuals.” Its branches existed in many countries and it disbanded in 1996 after the dissolution of the soviet union.

Today the existential threat from russia is as great as it was in the 1940s.

On the eve of the first anniversary of russia’s latest invasion of Ukraine, President Biden undertook the daring and dangerous mission to personally assure Ukraine and President Zelenskyy of his and America’s unwavering support until victory over russia is achieved. This message was then taken to Poland to reassure Poles and other former captive peoples that their independence in the face of ongoing russian threats is equally important to the United States.

Biden’s yearlong commitment as well as Ukrainians’ bravery, sacrifice and dedication to victory compelled him to declare “Kyiv stands, Ukraine stands.” This maxim will have the same staying power as President Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Echoing his words about the Ukrainian capital, in Warsaw on February 21 President Biden declared: “Kyiv stands strong. Kyiv stands proud. It stands tall and, most important, it stands free.”

This proclamation from the leader of the free world did not fall on deaf ears in the Kremlin as putin readied his reply. Today russian rockets hit the port city of Kherson, killing six Ukrainians.

In the Polish capital, President Biden met with NATO leaders of what he referred to as the eastern flank, meaning representatives of the x-captive nations, and thanked them for supporting Ukraine and assured them that “Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia. Never.” – in a taunt aimed at putin.

Biden noted the symbolic nature of his visit to the region by stating “We are seeing it not only as a visit paid here in Poland, it is a visit to our region combined with a visit to Kyiv. It sends a very powerful message of responsibility, which the United States of America carries constantly the responsibility for the security of Europe and the world.”

Biden’s remarks to some 30,000 Poles, Ukrainians and others in Warsaw were laced for laudatory words about freedom and democracy and the need to protect and fight for them. He spoke of the great, united international effort to help Ukraine, indicating that all free world leaders are aware that russian aggression and subjugation could spread as they have in the past. Continuing with the theme of unity, Biden said that “Over the past year, the United States has come together with our Allies and partners in an extraordinary coalition to stand against Russian aggression.”

Speaking about the brutality of russian invaders and the killings and rapes to which they’ve subjected the people of Ukraine, Biden said “No one — no one can turn away their eyes from the atrocities Russia is committing against the Ukrainian people. It’s abhorrent. It’s abhorrent.” At the same time he assured all listeners that “We’ll hold accountable those who are responsible for this war. And we will seek justice for the war crimes and crimes against humanity continuing to be committed by the Russians.”

Despite putin’s aim to tear apart the unity of the North Atlantic alliance, Biden said “NATO will not be divided, and we will not tire,” adding that it remains united and strong and it is “the single-most consequential alliance, and I would argue maybe the most consequential alliance in history, that — not just modern history, but in history.”

Calling on putin to stop the war as only he could do, Biden said: “If Russia stopped invading Ukraine, it would end the war. If Ukraine stopped defending itself against Russia, it would be the end of Ukraine.
“That’s why, together, we’re making sure Ukraine can defend itself.

“The United States has assembled a worldwide coalition of more than 50 nations to get critical weapons and supplies to the brave Ukrainian fighters on the frontlines. Air defense systems, artillery, ammunition, tanks, and armored vehicles.

“The European Union and its member states have stepped up with unprecedented commitment to Ukraine, not just in security assistance, but economic, and humanitarian, refugee assistance, and so much more.”

President Biden’s speech rang loud with the concepts of unity, togetherness and coalition that now need to be given life. The ideological and structural foundations for such an alliance of x-captive nations of russian subjugation were laid in Kyiv and Warsaw. He spoke of an eastern flank of NATO. It was virtually blessed by Biden. Now all that’s missing are signatures on the dotted line. Bring that into formal existence. The former enslaved peoples’ only salvation is for them to form a regional mini-NATO, an updated Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), that would conspicuously promote and safeguard their collective securities against russia.

The time has come for such a bloc: Freedom for nations; Freedom for individuals.

‘Kyiv Stands!’

No one could have imagined a more appropriate acknowledgment of the passing of one year since russia again invaded Ukraine and began its bloody assault to kill as many Ukrainian men, women and children, rape girls and women, destroy their homes and churches, infrastructure and all vestiges of Ukrainian culture than what took place yesterday, February 20, in the capital of Kyiv.

Perhaps in a more symbolic and historic gesture than President Zelenskyy’s sudden personal appearance and address in the US Congress, President Biden arrived during the war in Kyiv and for the world the see embraced the Ukrainian president and, more importantly, the Ukrainian nation in a heartfelt gesture of support, solidarity and friendship.

The brief, secret but historic visit by the American president, who was en route to Warsaw, sent an undeniably powerful message to friends and foes alike. It told Ukrainians, x-captive nations, allies, Europeans, Americans and the free world that the bonds between America and Ukraine have been forged of the strongest steel that will never break. The Ukrainian nation can count on America’s military and non-military support for as long as it takes to vanquish the russian terrorist aggressor.

So that there are not mistakes in moscow, that embrace seen around the world told putin and russians that when they mess with Ukraine — or other former captive nations — they’ll have to answer to the United States of America.

“Kyiv stands,” President Biden triumphantly declared in sunny Kyiv after emerging from his 10-hour train ride from Warsaw.

“Ukraine stands. Democracy stands. The Americans stand with you, and the world stands with you,” Biden continued.

The American president recognized that this latest display of russian military aggression against Ukraine, as we have said, is meant to “wipe Ukraine off the map,” which by itself is an act of genocide equal to that of Nazi Germany.

But, Biden pointed out, “Putin’s war of conquest is failing. Russia’s military has lost half its territory it once occupied. Young, talented Russians are fleeing by the tens of thousands, not wanting to come back to Russia. Not just fleeing from the military, fleeing from Russia itself, because they see no future in their country. Russia’s economy is now a backwater, isolated and struggling.”

Putin thought Ukraine was weak and the West was divided, Biden said, but he was fatally wrong. He was also wrong about the lack of unity in the western alliance.

“He thought he could outlast us. I don’t think he’s thinking that right now. God knows what he’s thinking, but I don’t think he’s thinking that. But he’s just been plain wrong. Plain wrong,” he said.

Biden noted the great sacrifices made by every Ukrainian man, woman and child, but added that freedom is a worthy cause to fight and die for.

“You and all Ukrainians, Mr. President, remind the world every single day what the meaning of the word ‘courage’ is — from all sectors of your economy, all walks of life. It’s astounding. Astounding.

“You remind us that freedom is priceless; it’s worth fighting for for as long as it takes. And that’s how long we’re going to be with you, Mr. President: for as long as it takes.”

Remarkable words, observations and assurances for history to remember.

President Biden also announced additional aid that includes artillery ammunition for HIMARS and howitzers, more Javelins, anti-armor systems, air surveillance radars that’ll protect Ukrainians from aerial bombardments.

President Zelenskyy thanked his American counterpart for personally demonstrating his and American support for Ukraine and pointed out the benefits of the Peace Formula being discussed in the United Nations.

“We have common vision on the contents of many aspects of our Peace Formula, because its security elements, as well as the tasks to restore the U.N. Charter to its full capacity and to defend the international rule-based order — that’s a common, joint task for all the countries that are interested in the international security,” Zelenskyy said.

The rebuilding and the recovery of justice is also very important for all those who was affected by the russian terror, by the russian war. And the aggressor has to take responsibility for the aggression and to reimburse all the damages.

“I thank to the President of United States for supporting our work on restoring the justice more specifically in the work of all of our institutions in that area. And we believe there’s no alternatives to the establishment of the special tribunal. This is the position of Ukraine, and we shall support this position.

“And I would really like the United States to be engaged in the implementation of our Peace Formula, because its implementation would mean a reinforcement of global stability and the predictability of international relations. And we have some achievements in this area.”

If ever there was a single, momentous event that signals to friends and adversaries that the fight is over, you’ve been defeated, then it certainly was this brief, earth-shattering encounter in Kyiv, one year after russia invaded Ukraine.