Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy Presents His Peace Formula at UN

UNITED NATIONS – In a speech less bellicose than he is known for, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his UN General Assembly address today focused on securing global peace and justice, emphasizing that neither can exist without an independent and sovereign Ukraine.

“I want peace for my people – real peace and just peace. And I’m asking for your support – from all nations of the world. We do not divide the world. I ask the same of you – do not divide the world. Be united Nations, and that will bring us peace,” Zelenskyy said during his whirlwind political tour of New York City and other neighboring towns to build positive momentum for Peace Formula.

In his nearly 20-minute speech, Zelenskyy pointed out that no amount of Russian rockets will break Ukrainians’ spirit.

“Since Russia can’t defeat our people’s resistance on the battlefield, Putin is looking for other ways to break the Ukrainian spirit. One of his methods is targeting our energy infrastructure. These are deliberate Russian attacks on our power plants, and the entire energy grid. As of today, Russia has destroyed all our thermal power plants and a large part of our hydroelectric capacity. This is how Putin is preparing for winter – hoping to torment millions, millions of Ukrainians… Ordinary families – women, children… Ordinary towns, ordinary villages. Putin wants to leave them in the dark and cold this winter, forcing Ukraine to suffer and surrender. Just imagine, please, your country with 80 percent of its energy system gone – with such a destroyed part of the system. What kind of life would that be?” he said

However, Zelenskyy pointed out, it’s important for him that all of the people “understand that Ukraine wants to end this war more than anyone in the world."

War poses a wide range of threats to the population, notably children, he continued, due to missiles, smoke, and – God forbid, he added – nuclear fallout. “If, God forbid, Russia causes a nuclear disaster at one of our nuclear power plants, radiation won’t respect state borders, and unfortunately, various nations could feel the devastating effects. Many are concerned, but the deepest understanding of war is always found in the home it destroys,” Zelenskyy said.

“It is the Ukrainian people who feel the full pain of this war. It’s Ukrainian children who are learning to distinguish the sounds of different types of artillery and drones because of Russia’s war. It’s our people who are forcefully separated by occupation because Putin decided he could do whatever he wants. It’s our heroic soldiers who are giving their lives to defend our country from invaders trying to steal our land. That’s why we say, rightfully so – there can be no just peace without Ukraine.

“And I thank every leader, every country that supports us in this, that understands us – that sees how Russia, a country more than twenty times larger than Ukraine in territory, still wants even more land, more land – which is insane – and is seizing it, day by day, while wanting to destroy its neighbor. And Russia found very special buddies for that – North Korea and Iran, a telling choice of friends. Now every neighbor of Russia in Europe and Central Asia feels that the war could come to them as well, and just think – what kind of losses that would mean for the world.”

Addressing the bureaucratic mechanisms of the UN, Zelenskyy criticized the existence of the oppressive veto: “These are different, absolutely, parts of the world and various political ways of life, but they share the same understanding – peace is needed, and it must be a real, just peace.

“Unfortunately, at the UN, it’s impossible to truly and fairly resolve matters of war and peace because too much depends in the Security Council on the veto power. When the aggressor exercises veto power, the UN is powerless to stop the war. But the Peace Formula can – once again, there is no veto power in it. That’s why it’s the best opportunity for peace – everyone is equal, and it’s effective and comprehensive.”

Zelenskyy summarized the demands of his Peace Formula in this manner:

“We must restore nuclear safety.

“Energy must stop being used as a weapon.

“We must ensure food security.

“We need to bring home all our captured soldiers and civilians forcibly deported to Russia.

“We must uphold the UN Charter and guarantee our right – Ukraine’s right – to territorial integrity and sovereignty, just as we do for any other nation.

“We need to withdraw the Russian occupiers, which will bring an end to the hostilities in Ukraine.

“We must hold those responsible for war crimes accountable.

“We need to prevent ecocide and stop the destruction of nature caused by the war.

“And we must not allow a second or third phase of this Russian invasion.

“And we need to make it clear – the war is over.”

It’s that simple but Russia isn’t in favor of it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Lithuanian President at UN Denounces Russia for Invading Ukraine

UNITED NATIONS – Gitanas Nausėda, president of Lithuania and one of the first speakers this morning at the General Debate of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, devoted almost his entire address to denouncing Russia for disrupting the world order and invading Ukraine without provocation.

Of all the regional wars today such as the crisis in the Middle East and rising tensions in the Indo-Pacific region, Nausėda called the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine “the most dangerous threat.”

Goading the representatives of the member-states to remember Russia’s rhetoric that led to its invasion in February 2022, Nausėda said, “How many times have they openly admitted that the Kremlin intends to wipe Ukraine from the face of Earth! If any sovereign nation is under the threat of complete destruction, no country is truly safe anymore. If the international community looks away and ignores the unpleasant truth, no country is truly safe anymore. And if mass killings, deportations and deliberate attacks on civilian population become the new norm, no country is truly safe anymore.”

Nausėda admonished the international assemblage: “That should disturb us all.”

To bring the war to an end and achieve lasting peace, more actions will have to follow, he said. “Justice will have to be served. Russia will have to atone for its many crimes and pay damages. The main culprits of the war of aggression and numerous war crimes will have to stand before the court.”

The first to stand trial, Nausėda pointed out, should be Vladimir Putin, who is already under an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court for his crimes, specifically unlawful deportation and unlawful transfer of children. “I call on the United Nations member-countries to enforce this warrant,” he said.

Additionally, frozen Russian foreign assets should also be used to pay for the damage done to Ukraine.

The Lithuanian president warned that Russia is preparing to return to the era of imperial conquest, colonial domination and genocide, adding that none of the General Assembly members would want “to see powerful neighbors convincing themselves that from now on every dispute should be settled by force.”

Pointing out that Ukraine’s armed forced is single-handedly fighting not only a defensive war but “Ukraine is also fighting for the future of all those countries who believe in the United Nations Charter and its principles. Ukraine is fighting for us all,” Nausėda said. However, he continued reproachfully, collectively the world hasn’t done enough.

“We have not been able to stop this madness. We have not been able to force Russia to reconsider its dangerous course. We have not been able to hold it accountable for so many violations of the United Nations Charter,” he said.

The reason why Russia has been able to ride roughshod over the UN principles, Ukraine and international community is “Because to this day, the aggressor is hiding under the cover of the Security Council’s permanent membership. Hiding in plain sight. Mocking every one of us with its unrestricted veto power.”

Russia’s criminal behavior is a “terrible blow to the very credibility” of the United Nations, he continued, while simultaneously the global community keeps hearing calls for Ukraine to surrender, to compromise on its sovereignty and territorial integrity, or to accept Russia’s ultimatums.

“Why should the aggressor be rewarded?” Nausėda asked. “Why should appeasement work this time, when it failed so spectacularly almost 90 years ago? Why should the victim agree to the demands of the terrorist-in-chief, sitting safe in the Kremlin after so much bloodshed and loss of innocent lives?”

Despite the bloodshed and political vacillation, “Ukraine is still fighting. Ukraine is still going strong, regardless of all the appeasers and doomsayers. And only Ukraine has the right to determine the actual conditions for peace,” the Lithuanian president emphasized.

Simultaneously, he told the diplomats seated in front of him, “we have the duty to support Ukraine. To restrict Russia’s ability to wage war and ensure the accountability of those responsible for the crime of aggression and crimes against humanity. To reform the Security Council and to rebuild the credibility of the United Nations Charter.”

To withstand enormous pressure and win this war, Nausea said Ukraine needs more military equipment, ammunition, and medical supplies. Ukraine also urgently needs humanitarian and financial aid.

With Russia’s rocket attacks on Ukraine’s infrastructure, Nausėda expects the upcoming winter will be extremely difficult for the Ukrainian people.

“Constant deliberate Russian attacks on critical energy infrastructure have destroyed more than 80 percent of Ukraine’s thermal energy generation and a third of its hydro generation. To prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, our assistance should be swift and focused on the energy sector,” he said.

Nausėda called on other countries, including Belarus, Iran, North Korea, and China, to stop providing Russia with military support, including the transfer of dual-use materials. “More arms for Russia mean more civilian deaths. More civilian infrastructure destroyed. More chaos,” he cautioned.

Voicing his support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s peace formula which he will reveal tomorrow, Nausėda said it deserves universal support because it is based on the universal principles of the United Nations Charter – sovereignty, territorial integrity and international law.

“Lithuania urges all peace-loving countries to actively engage in these efforts, including preparation for and participation in the next Summit of the Peace Formula,” he said.

Nausėda believes the war could scale down tomorrow if only Russia would agree “to disengage and withdraw its forces” from all occupied regions of Ukraine.

“Ukraine does not want Russia’s territories. It wants to liberate its own people – not Russia’s. It wants to see prisoners of war and abducted children – thousands of them – returned. It wants the constant deliberate bombing of civilian infrastructure, of so many schools, hospitals, and power stations, to finally stop,” he said.

Today’s regional wars must convince the member-states to push for a comprehensive reform of the Security Council, noting “there is simply no place for Russia in the Security Council, which was created to maintain international peace and security.”

Nausėda expressed his country’s hopes that the world will soon witness Ukraine’s victory. However, until that happens, Lithuania, an unfaltering former captive nation of Russian subjugation advocate for Ukraine, will not waver nor raise the white flag.

“Until this becomes reality, Lithuania’s position remains steadfast. We will not recognize Russia’s illegal annexation of any Ukrainian region, be it Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, or Zaporizhzhia. We will not stop demanding that Russia ends grave violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the occupied territories of Ukraine. Lithuania will continue providing shelter to Ukrainian war refugees. Lithuania will continue supporting Ukraine with all possible means.”

Monday, September 23, 2024

If all else Fails, Blood and Guts will Win
Except for the pomp and circumstance, the annual fall ritual of debates in conjunction with the latest United Nations General Assembly session – the 79th this year – will get under way on Tuesday in New York City.
World leaders, the regular ones that we see habitually on television or read about in newspapers and news magazines, will be presenting their points of view about the most important topics that pertain to the planet and their nations.
President Joe Biden, as the leader of the host country, will kick off the slew of speakers tomorrow. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will speak on Wednesday. Other world leaders or their designees will line up on either side of the great global political divide and give it their best – the free world plus the former captive nations of Russian subjugation vs. the undemocratic world or Russian-lead evil empire and the uncertain developing world.
With major wars raging in Ukraine and the Middle East all other topics that have been addressed at the United Nations such as health, underwater resources, space exploration, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, climate and ecology, poverty, social inclusion, equality and inequality, civil society, even the elusive aim of peace, security and development will undoubtedly be relegated to the “also ran” bin.
The two wars that I cited previously, that are separated by the Mediterranean and Black seas and different cultures, are united by the fact that Russia and Iran are deeply involved in both. Iran is making an untold amount of money manufacturing missiles and drones for Russia and Hezbollah and its supporters. Those missiles and airborne projectiles kill civilians, destroy their homes and contaminate the environment in Ukraine and the Middle East. According to intelligence sources – among them Ukrainian – Russia and Iran have shaken hands on a deal to eliminate each other’s nightmares: Ukraine for Russia and Israel for Iran. That chessboard offers a lot of military and civilian targets for both inhuman criminal perpetrators.
Experts and amateurs alike are watching developments in both regions as well as the words that will be spoken this week in the hallowed halls of the United Nations.
About a dozen years ago the UN General Assembly used the term “aggressor-nation” in reference to Russia and its seizure and occupation of the Ukrainian peninsula Crimea. That derogative moniker has taken to Russia like the term Holocaust to Nazi Germany. In peaceful and passive ways, the UN and its agencies have reminded the member-states and the international community that Russia is a pariah nation that should be expelled from all regional and global institutions. But the UN is not likely to do that. Newspapers like the New York Post and The New York Times also denounce Moscow for its crimes against humanity in Ukraine and the Middle East.
Inside the UN headquarters, on the eve of the UNGA, Russia has been left badly isolated, reported The Guardian, when it made a surprise move to derail an ambitious pact designed to revive the UN – a favorite topic of discussion about revitalizing the UN – but Moscow failed. Russia’s move to defer adoption of the agreement on the grounds that it supposedly represented western interests was rejected on Sunday by 143 votes to seven with 15 abstentions. With a bloodied nose, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will mount the stage to say his piece.
Three positive developments have occurred against the backdrop of events at the UN. First, Ukraine enjoys the White House’s comprehensive military and moral support; second, Ukraine has successfully and noticeably taken the war to the enemy by invading Kursk and launching long-range missiles and drones against 200 military targets deep in Russia. And finally, President Zelenskyy and his wife, Olena, arrived in the United States diplomatically armed to the teeth with new proposals about ending the war in Ukraine. For Zelenskyy and Ukrainians around the world this is a significant point about ending the war. It’s not about doing anything detrimental to Ukraine and the nation, giving up Ukrainian acreage or negotiating an end, he clarified. He wants to apply diplomatic pressure on Russia to give up the war against Ukraine and leave. Zelenskyy emphasized on television today that he does not intend to surrender any Ukrainian land that Russia is temporarily occupying.
He also poignantly visited a munitions factory in Scranton, PA, that’s manufacturing arms for Ukraine. The significance lies in the fact that he negated all nay-sayers and Russian sympathizers’ comments about America’s wasteful and useless support for Ukraine’s war effort. That factory in Pennsylvania employs hard-working Americans who take home salaries to feed their families while making weapons for the Ukrainian army. That’s a win-win.
While Zelenskyy, Ukraine and the war still occupy a favorable and central point in the attention of the world, the President of Ukraine must be given the leverage to push his plan to a fair and victorious conclusion for the nation.
The latest iteration of Russia’s war against Ukraine has been going on since February 2022 and before that since 2014 and before that for a millennium. Ukrainians, in the words of the late Israeli Prime Minister Gold Meir, have no choice but to fight against this or any other aggressor because the alternative is death.
As for hoping against hope that the UNGA will come up with a solution? It’s better to put your faith in the blood and guts of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.