Monday, March 4, 2019

From Ukraine’s Battle Trenches to NATO HQ –
Olena Bilozerska Brings Message of Liberation
Olena Bilozerska, a well-known Kyiv-based journalist and blogger in her late 30s, who is now a Ukrainian volunteer soldier fighting for her native land in the eastern oblasts of Ukraine, took a temporary leave from the war zone to travel with five comrades-in-arms, one of whom is in a wheelchair, to NATO Headquarters in Brussels with a personal message about her country’s war with Russia.
Speaking to the military leaders of the free world, Bilozerska, who in another life could have been a successful businesswoman but today decided to place herself in harm’s way in defense of her nation, emphasized that the West’s goal for Ukraine is not Ukraine’s nor her goal.
“We, Ukrainians, are fighting not for ‘peace at any costs,’ not for ‘cessation of fire,’ but for the liberation and return of our land,” she declared.
Consequently, the Minsk process is a misleading undertaking meant to satisfy gullible Western leaders about what is really happening in the Donbas region of Ukraine and the desired outcome. Russia is violating the accords while killing Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.
Bilozerska explained that Ukraine is again fighting for its independence, its life and future, against a recidivist country that means to subjugate and ultimately eradicate the Ukrainian nation from the face of the earth.
The Ukrainian soldier accentuated that despite Russian propaganda to the contrary, Ukraine was invaded by Russia and is now forced to fight a war against its military machine. She pointed out: “In 2016 I took part in a reconnaissance mission near Mariupol, where we captured the military map made by a Russian officer, and on this map the positions, forces and facilities of our enemy were designated, including those officially belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
“It was written there clearly: Russian Armed Forces.”
She passionately told Western leaders not to force Ukraine to accept a faux peace with Russia because ultimately it will fail as others have failed in the past. Russia’s mission is to dominate Ukraine and assimilate it into its prison of nations.
“I want to tell you: Dear, dear foreign friends! Please do not help us to seek agreement with Russia. Any agreement with that country is hopelessly futile and counterproductive.
“Only the tough line of the whole free world towards Russia, a wide complex of military, economic and diplomatic measures is capable to stop it,” she eloquently said.
Bilozerska warned the free world that all forms of commerce, “every barrel of oil, every cubic meter of gas purchased from Russia” is transformed into missiles, shells and bullets which kill Ukrainians today and may be used against other innocent nations and people tomorrow.
“And, as a matter of fact, not only tomorrow. We all remember 300 innocent people of the flight which were killed by the Russian missile, the attempt of coup d’état in Montenegro (organized by Russia) to prevent that country from joining NATO, the actions of Russian assassins in the Great Britain, and so on and so forth,” she elaborated about just a few recent examples of Russian crimes against humanity.
Looking toward the future, Bilozerska said Russia’s war against Ukraine is not merely a Ukrainian problem, it is such for the entire free world.
She did not beg NATO to do Ukraine’s fighting for it. Quite the opposite, she said: “We’re fighting for you.”
Indeed. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrainian soldiers and Bilozerska and her fellow male and female soldiers are the only ones in the world that have real battlefield experience fighting Russian soldiers. Undoubtedly a unique and valuable skill.
“We, Ukrainians, defend the whole free world from Russia,” she pointed out. Looking around the world today, at Russia’s extensive military and non-military interventions, that’s not a far-fetched observation.
While she didn’t request that free world soldiers fight for Ukraine, Bilozerska did specify that the Ukrainian army needed its support in the forms of weapons, ammunitions and anti-Russian sanctions.
Ukraine’s armed forces have come a long way since the days when the traitor Viktor Vanukovych destroyed every element of Ukraine’s defense and security structures, but Ukraine still needs help to subdue Russian invaders.
“Do it now, and future generations of Europeans will be forever thankful to you,” she implored.
God speed, Olena. May the Ukrainian Army be victorious against Russia.

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